Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Goals and Potholes

Running is a way for me to escape. I was never into running when I was in high school. In fact, the thought of having to run the mile was the most daunting thing to hear from our gym teacher. I gave forth minimal effort and got minimal results in consequence. But now, I ache to run. I thrive on it. It's my release, my therapy, my sanity. That is until a couple months ago when I realized that my goal of running a full marathon by the end of 2015 would not be realized.
I never imagined I'd want to run 26.2 miles, but as of the beginning of this year, I decided to take the crazy leap and go for it. And training was going amazingly and I felt like I was making really good progress. But then my wife's flare ups got worse. They lasted longer and life slapped us in the face with the realization that if we were going to sell our house, we had to do it now, while the market was hot. Thanks life...your timing is impeccable.
So, with all this swinging in motion, it put my long runs on hold and for almost two weeks before the big run, I had not had any practice runs in AT ALL. So, I decided since I had ran a half marathon before and did pretty well, I could definitely pull it off again. But that thought was depressing. As I picked up my packet the night before race day, I had to go to the admissions booth and let them know that I was switching from the full to the half. I received a new number, new shirt, and a bad attitude. Well, I guess I didn't receive the bad attitude. I gifted it to anyone who asked me how I was feeling about the marathon. Having to explain to them that I was not running the full was like salt to an open wound.
I decided to turn my frown upside down. To reframe my mind. The reason I couldn't run a full was because I was too busy taking care of my family to put in the training necessary. There is no shame in that. There is merit in the pursuit of raising a family. Growing five rugrats is a marathon in and of itself. Anyone who wants to say differently can babysit for a couple days. I triple dog dare you!
Anyway, so race day came along and I woke up with the new attitude. I got dressed and headed out the door. I spent my time at the new YMCA in downtown Des Moines, (Beautiful, by the way) and set up my mind for the race ahead. As I headed to the starting line, my grandfather's voice echoed in my head, "you are not running to win, you are running to finish." Thanks Pa, I needed that! The bell rang and I headed onward and upward. I ran through the heart of Des Moines, through the beautiful Water Works Park, around the stunning Gray's Lake and back downtown. I finished 13.1 miles in 1hr 54 minutes and 50 seconds. This wasn't a PR for me, but it was what I had aimed for and with the little training I had put in, I was pleased with the result.
I write all this because this time has taught me something. When you make a goal and you don't acheive it, it's easy to see it as a failure. But it's not. It's improvement, and that's something that shouldn't be ignored. I ran 13.1 miles with very little training and did it in under 2 hours. I'm proud of that. And now that I've accomplished that, I have reset my Full Marathon goal for next year. Here is what I've learned through all of this. We hope for the best but we must also anticipate life because it happens whether we want it to or not. I could have easily destroyed myself over not completing my goal this year, but I chose not to. Instead I'm choosing to celebrate what I have accomplished through life's crazy turns and topples and I choose to live in the knowledge that I gave it everything I had, whether in my training or in my role as a husband and father. I am leaving this year and taking nothing with me. I left it all out on the road. I plan to do the same next year.
So, I guess I'll end with this benediction. May you see that goals are made to better you, not define you. May you know that God views you as perfect and whole regardless of your short comings. May you see that life is not a sprint, but a marathon and you are running, not to win, but to finish. May you finish well.

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

GO RUN!!!!

Perpetual motion is inevitable. Even if you are standing still, you are still hurling through space at high velocity and spinning at ultra speed simultaneously. So, to be fair, you are never standing still...
I was once asked why I run, and this person added, "especially since nothing is chasing you."
When runners are asked why they run, the answers are about as varied as the runners. But I've chalked it up to two main categories. Either (a) they are running from something, or (b) they are running to something.
Let me explain. Some people run to lose weight, so in essence, they are running from a bigger version of themselves, or at least running from health problems due to being overweight. Others run because they have a goal in mind. Whether it be making it through a marathon, or maybe just being able to run a mile without completely losing his/her breath. So, these people are essentially running "to" something. Be it that proverbial finish line.
I think I started running away from something. So, my friend who asked me why I run, I tell you, I was running from something. You see, when I started running, I kind of felt like my life was hurdling out of control. My wife had been sick for some time. I was basically left to taking care of our five children when I wasn't working a fulltime job of 40+ hours a week. Due to this, my job was suffering. I felt like I was losing at everything. I needed something I could control and to be able to get away from everything. So, I think that's why I started.
And then, when I started to be able to really put miles in, I had a thought to run "to" something. The idea of running a marathon came into fruition and I began putting in even more miles. And then something happened. It really began when I finished the Dam to Dam in May. I felt so good about how I finished that I almost forgot that this wasn't my goal. I decided to take a week off after Dam to Dam. A week turned in to two. Two turned to three, and before I knew it, I had lost complete focus on where I wanted to be. Life got busy, and it almost became business as usual.
Last night, I had a friend ask me how my training was going. I thought about lying to him and keep it at a simple "great". But I decided to fully disclose. And this is what I love about runners. It's not a competition as much as it is a comradary. He simply responded, "well, you've still got a good base line, so just pick it back up. GO RUN!"
So I did. I clocked in my 3 miles. And then tonight I clocked in 4. No more excuses. I'm back. This is a redemption story of how it's never too late. I don't know the end yet so we will see how this unfolds. What I do know is, I have friends who love and care for me and it is throught this sport that I have really felt the depths of our companionship. And to you all I say, thank you for being freaking great! You all really are the best!
And a final thought to anyone reading this who has thought about running but doesn't know how to start. To you I say, quit just hurling through space and spinning at high velocity! To echo my friend from last night...GO RUN!!!

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Dam to Dam That Was Fun!

"Run with the Police" 5K
Man, I haven't posted on here in so long. So, quick recap of where I'm at in training. I've been  plugging in the miles and am running between 80 and 100 miles per month. I am feeling really good and my pace continues to improve. I ran the "Run with the Police" 5K a couple weeks back and learned a really good lesson there on race day jitters. I tried to push the pace too hard and ended up stalling out at mile 2. It was hot, humid and I was not prepared. I told myself at the beginning that I was going to treat it like any other run and just do my thing. But when the gun fired and people started passing me...well, I couldn't have that.
So, then last Saturday, I ran my first half marathon via Dam to Dam! It was way earlier in the morning, much cooler and I was more prepared. I remember just relaxing before the run, talking with friends and having a great time before the gun even fired. But once it was time to get lined up, it was kind of like a switch was flipped. I was all in. But, let's go back a bit and let you know where my head was at prior.
Heading to the bus
First of all, I was super scared about missing the bus. I mean seriously, that was my biggest fear. I woke up at 4am and had all my stuff set out the night before. I showered, got dressed, drank a protein shake and grabbed my coffee and headed out the door by 4:30am. I got downtown and circled the block a few times until I found a parking spot. Then, I got on that yellow bus. One of what looked like at least 20-30 buses! I lost count, they just kept pulling up. It was pretty exciting.
I sat down next to a guy and we began talking. He had done Dam to Dam before but this was only his second year doing the half as he had only done the 5K before that. He told me what everyone else did, that this was one of his favorites. We chatted off and on and I listened to others as they talked about their races. I mostly  sat and listened. I took it all in. Then we finally made it to Saylorville. We got off the bus and I put my bag of warm up clothes in the designated area and headed straight to the bathroom as I didn't want to wait until the last minute.
I did my duty  and it was only when I was about to stand that I realized...I had just sat in someone else's business. My mind went crazy. I was so mad and agitated! I almost lost it. But I knew I couldn't let this get to me. I had to focus. So I cleaned up and got out of there...There was a lady right behind me, so of course I made sure the seat was cleared for her. I'm not a jerk!
So...blah blah blah, back to the starting line, flip switched, me super focused. The gun fires. I don't hear it but people start moving, so I start. I had lined up at the 8 min. pace group so I started out slower and planned on doing negative splits. I had it all figured out in my head. I would start at 8:30 for three miles, 8:15 for another 3 miles. 8:00 for three miles and then between 7:50 and 7:45 for the last 4.1 miles. I was hoping to average just below 8:00 but I didn't quite make it.
But here's the thing. I was in the zone. I have never felt that calm during a run before. The water stops
were a huge energy boost and seeing all those people who came out to cheer us on was so motivating. I loved giving the high fives to the kids who were so quick to put their hands out. I read in a blog after the run that it's so good for the kids to have runners high five as they are the future and I was glad I did.
I was getting close to the end of the race and really wasn't feeling fatigued at all. And then I saw the finish line in the distance but knew there were a few turns ahead and looks were deceiving. That's
when I started to wain. I knew that it was mental and I had to just stick it out. Then my bluetooth headphones died. I was losing focus. I started slowing in my pace. I rounded a corner and that's when I saw my two oldest kids on the back of Papa's pick up truck watching for me. I yelled out to them and they frantically waved and cheered and Papa cheered too! That was it, the final push I needed. I picked up pace and realized I was running at about a 6.50 pace for that last 1,000 meters or so. I couldn't believe it but I was nearing the finish line. And then I hit it. I made it to the end! I ran it in 1:46.36. My pace was an 8:08 avg. But more importantly than all that, I did it.
As they handed me the medal, I just kind of walked away dazed. I couldn't believe that I was able to move like that and that I was able to turn on that switch and keep it on. I felt like a million bucks! As I made it back to where my dad and kids were, I was just beaming. I learned and I grew as a runner, and that to me is way more important than the pace, finishing time or medal. It was then that I realized, this isn't a phase, it isn't something that I'm going to stop doing. I am a runner and I have earned my spot among these amazing athletes. But I still realize, I am only half way to my goal. Time to krank it up!!!

Saturday, May 2, 2015

Pot Holes and Detours

So, I haven't posted a blog in quite some time. I've meant to on many occasions but just never had the time. As a novice runner, I can assure you that I don't have all the tricks figured out or correct form or attire or whatever else a runner may be judged by according to the magazines. But here's what I do have. A reason. Why do I run? Why am I training for this marathon? I think I've finally figured it out. For my family.
You see, as I've said in earlier posts, I haven't really committed to a goal and stuck it through. So, needless to say, as this goal is beginning to come into fruition, I am super stoked that I'm actually continuing on with it. You can imagine my disappointment when there were things that came into my path that threatened my ability to continue my training. My frustration was in full bloom when the pot holes and detours began appearing before me.
This pot hole came in the form of my wife's health. For the last nine months, she has been struggling with some major symptoms of headaches, fatigue (even when she'd sleep all night and most of the day), depression, body aches, etc. After nine months of wondering what the heck was going on with
her, they finally found a diagnosis. She has been diagnosed with Systemic Exertion Intollerance Disease (SEID, formerly called Chronic Fatigue Syndrome). And this being a chronic condition, it is likely she will deal with it for the rest of her life.
So, that's why I've been so busy. On top of my normal job, I also would come home and most days, my wife would be completely drained by the time I got there. So I would take over and get the kids dinner, bathed, played with and in bed and finally hit the bed myself around 11pm because once the kids were in bed is usually when I'd get a run in. And I almost gave it up. But then I realized that if I did that, my wife would see her health as the reason why I couldn't complete my goal, and I couldn't live with that. So I decided, if she wasn't giving up, neither would I. If she was going to fight every day for the energy it takes to be a stay at home mom, I could certainly handle this. She became my inspiration.
So, here I am, striding on. I'm showing my  family that if you want something bad enough, you gotta do whatever it takes to go after it. Even if it means sacrificing other things (I don't watch much tv anymore as the night time was usually my time to unwind and check out some Netflix. But that's probably for the better :-) TV make you lazy.)
Any of you who follow this blog, know that I'm still here. I'm not giving up. I'm going to cross that finish line on October 18th. And when I do, I'll have my wife to thank. She is the hero in this story. She is my muse. She's the one who's stayed positive about my training when we discussed whether or not I should hold off on it. And she will get my medal! Good night everyone. Remember, if you try for something you never thought you could do, even if you end up not being able  to do it, look at all the other stuff you wouldn't normally have done along the way, and let those victories fuel you to try it again!

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Run Fatboy Run

So, yesterday was the second long run in my training. And I have to say, it was much better than last weeks. I made sure I drank plenty of water beforehand. I also made sure that there was water on the route I was on. And I ran with a friend this week along with the rest of the Capital Striders. It was a blast.
I also tried the Powerbar Chews while I was on this run. It was again a subtle change, but I could definitely feel it come on. It really helped me push on that last little bit when I thought I might want to give up. As I spoke with my friend on this run, he told me the long runs in training would help me understand how to properly provide nutrition for my body to give me optimal results on race day. He also explained that the way the body works physiologically, no matter the shape your in, all bodies burn through its fast sugars by 20 miles. After that, the body starts burning through its protiens. This is why runners "hit the wall". It's the point in the race where it has to be all heart. But proper nutrients during the race can assist to ease this transition and it is the work of any good runner to feel out how his/her body reacts to certain nutrients.
Kailan made me model!
I also learned that running becomes kind of an addiction. The men and women I ran with on Saturday
were all, how do I put this...not right in the head. As I listened to them speak, all I heard was, "I do this race this month, this race next month, then I'm going to take a minute break and do this race, this race and this race in the next two weeks." It was insane! But I guess it comes with the territory. I never thought I'd be one to say this, but I really enjoyed running the long run this week and can't wait to do it again.
So now down to the details. I was able to make it 11 miles this week! I meant to only go 10 but we didn't properly assess the 10 mile turn around and ended up going 1/2 a mile too far. The nice things about running with the Capital Striders is that they have water stations throughout the course so it's easy to refuel when needed. They also train for similar races, so I always kow who I'm keeping track with. Since the Dam to Dam is in the middle of my training for the Des Moines Marathon, I plan to do that as well. I'm pretty excited I get to compete in a race half way through my training. It will definitely give me a good feel on what the full Marathon will feel like.
Victory Selfie!
The other nice thing about the run on Saturday, was that I ran through some of the marathon course. I was informed on Saturday that the Des Moines Marathon is a pretty hilly course so it was suggested to ensure I added some speedwork and hillwork into my training. I was given some good tips on what to do for hillwork, and we even hit a good hill on the Water Works bike path that would be great for practicing the hillwork I need.
Oh yeah, I almost completely forgot to mention that I got new gear!!! Thanks to the benefits of membership to the Des Moines Striders and the fact that Fitness Sports was having a sale, I got some excellent gear, including great shoes for a really good price. I took my son with me and he got a good chuckle in seeing me try on my first pair of running tights. (Do we have to call them tights?) But, I have to say, they sure kept me warm. And it felt great to not be weighted down by heavy sweatpants.
Anyway, I was able to finish the run in just under 2 hours and got a new personal record for a 10 minute pace. It was 9:30 most of the run, but the hill at the end slowed me down a bit.
I ate most of the eggs before deciding
to take this picture...I was hungry!
The best part of the run, was the IngerDahls breakfast I was invited to afterwords. And because it was my first run with the group, my breakfast was paid for. Listening to stories of those who have ran many different races and all the trials and training they went through, it was great to just sit and soak it all in. These folks are just plain nuts, but once you get in the groove of things, you really see why they do it. I don't know how often I'll marathon, but I will definitely not stop running. It has helped so much with my stress and even with my Spiritual walk. Something about taking care of my body and pushing it to unknown limits, makes me want to try things that I always wanted to, but never thought I could do. I've said so many times that running is a mental game, but in all honesty, so is life. We are all elephants that have been tied to posts in the dirt all our lives and been told we couldn't do this or that. But when God tells you that you can do all things through Him, you better believe that He is anticipating that you pull that stake up from the ground and get moving! (Sorry, that got a little preachy, but I'm a little pumped with adrenaline now, bear
with me.)
Until next time, Peace OUT!!!

I forgot to mention, I kept pushing the finish button when we were at water breaks instead of the pause button, so I had to do the math later! I really can't wait to actually see the double digit on my watch instead of this crap. :-P

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Weathering the Weather, Whether or Not I Want To

I swear, everywhere I run, there is at
least one spot without a sidewalk!
So today's run was really a test of committment. Those who know me can really appreciate this. I really don't like when just parts of me get wet. It is a huge pet peeve of mine. Showers, pools, baths, those kinds of things are fine. But I hate when I get my clothes wet or when I get rained on. It is so annoyong. So when I walked out the door this morning and felt that perpetual mist, let's just say it took a lot of will power to stick it out. I know there are going to be days in training where I'm going to be running in the rain, but I plan to invest in a decent poncho.
Anywho, with the stretching I learned the other day, my legs and
I don't think there is a picture that
could emphasise how much this
viaduct sucks!!!
hips felt pretty good today. I feel I am able to discern between what is the dull ache in my knees due to the stretching and growth of muscles and what is something I should be concerned about. I don't think I'm at the point of concern at this time and I am continuing to work on improving my stride so as to prevent injury. I watched an excellent video on youtube yesterday that described some common mistakes that first time runners make when working on their stride. Check it out, it's only a few minutes long and if you're a first time runner, it could save you from having to miss your first marathon due to injury.

I worked on these techniques this morning and I think that they are going to really help to keep  me from injury.
So, there you have it. I've completed my first 4 days of training, running four miles a day. Tomorrow is my rest day so I will give y'all a break as well. Saturday is my second long run and I will be running with the Capital Striders. I am super stoked to find this group and know that it will help with the long run days!!!
Victory selfie!
Keep in mind when running, your mental state is what will make the run successful or not. Weather cannot control how you feel about a run. I had to push it hard today, especially on the last leg of the run when the wind was whipping that aweful mist in my face as if the sky was just spitting on me continuously. But I completed the trek and feel pretty darn good about today's run. I know it sounds super cheesy, but keeping a positive mindset is really, really important to training. My attempt in this blog is to be as transparent as I can be about the journey, so if this last portion sounds cliche, please know that it's really not, I'm just having a really good day. I'm sure I'll complain about something soon, so be on the look out. :-) Have a great day friends!!!

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Energy is a Strange Phenomenon

I always feel like Rocky when passing
this place!
I really had full intention of getting to bed early last night. It was in my game plan. But then Kailan went out with a friend, and my Emery: I'm Only A Man bonus DVD somehow ended up in my DVD player and the play button somehow got pushed. And then, oh my, the reminicsing. Emery is one of my favorite bands and yet everytime they have come to town, I wasn't able to see them...
And I'm getting off track.
So anyway, then my wife called at 11:30pm stating that the van wouldn't start. My heart stopped. I'm glad she was in Altoona as it's a little safer, but still, my baby was stuck in the Village Inn parking lot at 11:30 at night!!! and I was with the kids and she had our only working vehicle and all the carseats. Luckily, my dad lived in town. She called him and woke him up and he came to the rescue (bless his heart) and she made it home by midnight...and then we talked until 1am about her adventures. Then Kailand siad, "Josh, you need to go to sleep. You have to run in the morning." :-D Thanks babe.
So yeah, asleep at 1am and then up at around 2:30am with crying baby. And then back to sleep again.
I really wasn't sure how I'd feel this morning, but I woke up at 6:15am, got my gear on, ate a banana, and headed out the door.
Todays run felt much better than yesterdays. I decided to help me pace myself a little better, I would play my "cool down" playlist instead of my running playlist. And it worked. I gained an extra minute per mile on today's run. I never thought I'd be trying to run slower, but with Marathon training, as my Grandpa always says, "you are running to finish, not to win!" That will stick with me throughout this whole ordeal.
I was intrigued by all the energy chews and gels they had at Hy-Vee, so I decided to try a few out. I bought the Power Bar fruit chews and one of the gels. I decided I wanted to see what the chews were like, so I popped one in on mile 3 and slowly chewed on it. I didn't really notice anything at first but after a few minutes, I began to notice that I had a little more energy. It was subtle, but it was definitely there. I also noticed that at mile 4, I was pleasently surprised that I was already there. I honestly could have kept going! That was a great feeling. I'm going to try the gel this weekend on my long run, but I really think I'm going to enjoy the chews.
Victory selfie on the viaduct!
So anyway, my take away today is that you can't always judge a run by it's start. Some days, you start off strong and end strong. Other days, you start off slow and build your strength. the important factor is that you make it. Even if you are walking by the time you reach your destination, you push yourself to get there. When you keep going every day and make it a habit, you'll find it gets easier to get out and start. I know I have a long way to go, but I'm glad that I've made it where I am. Another huge thing to me is that I'm not sure if I'll ever get to the point where my sides hurt and my lungs burn again. That is just crazy to me how much my lung capacity has improved. I think if anything stops me from finishing this marathon, it will be my knees, but even that, I don't think will be enough to stop me! See ya tomorrow friends!!

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Good Days and Bad Days

So I went for a 4 mile run today. It was pretty uneventful. I was still a little sore from Saturday so my countenence was shaken a little. But I did it. I pushed on and made it happen. But it wasn't as fun as I had expected. I thought with a short run like this, it would feel like a breeze, but I think I'm still struggling with my stride. I feel like I'm still pushing too hard. They say that during your runs, you should be able to hold a conversation while running. Since I don't run with anyone, I sing along with my headphones. It is probably the most hilarious thing to see for those who get to witness me in all my glory. Especially since there is a fine amount of metal on my running playlist. (I probably scare some people too!)
I dread running up this cursed viaduct!!!
But this morning, I kind of wanted to quit early. It wasn't my body. I felt good physically. And my
side doesn't even burn anymore when I run, which is awesome!!! Also, my breathing was still a good rate and my heart rate stayed at about 180 or so. It was just, I wasn't in it this morning. Now, after thinking logically, I figure that many runners in training have these days. I can't be the only one. (Please tell me I'm not). But I think that's okay. Anything else that I've ever enjoyed, I know I didn't enjoy EVERY time. And most of the times, if I wasn't enjoying it, I just wouldn't do it. But this is training, so it's different. Perseverance is the key and that is what I plan to put in!
So for all you positive vibe givers out there, feel free to send some my way. Because, I could use something to pump me up on days like today.
Racing the sun!
But on a positive note, I found a running club. One of my coworkers trains and is a part of the Capital Striders. And what's better is, they do their long runs on Saturdays which is right on my schedule!!! I am super stoked. Also, my mom has offered to bike with me some Saturdays as well, which is equally as awesome! Cuz, if ya'll don't know yet, I'm a mama's boy! And my mama has been a great support for me as well.
Well, that's about all I have for today. Oh yeah, also, my friend at work informed me that the pain in my knees is totally normal and is due to the ligaments stretching below the knee cap in result of the muscles growing around my knees. So that's a nice relief. And for all you worriers out there, I took my wife's advice and am going to my doctor next Monday just to check up to see if everything's a-okay for me to train for this. So, DON'T WORRY :-)

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Ten Miles..Why Am I Doing This?

Quick stop to snap awesome downtown view
So, yesterday I ran my first 10 miles...in a row...like, no stopping...then I died. Okay, I felt like I was dying. Now for the avid runner out there who is reading this, prepare your scoffing and head shaking, because it's about to get ugly.
My first mistake was I didn't bring or drink any water during the run. I know, I know, all you experts and non experts alike are shuttering right now. I really don't know the reason that I forgot to drink water, just that I was super nervous about my first 10 mile run and I think I just wanted to get it under my belt finally. Secondly, I brought nothing of nutritional value along with me. Oh sure, I brought a granola bar or two, but I've read enough to know that you want something high in nutritional value but not taxing on your digestive track. Many runners use protein gels or chews to give this energy and I had none of that. So let's just say I was not getting up the rest of that day!
Mid run snack
But, I did it. I pulled off my first 10 miles, and besides feeling nauseous and nonenergetic the rest of
the day, it felt great! And actually, after I had my second helping of pasta for dinner, I was able to really feel better enough to bask in the victory, but I did go to bed early. I am a mere mortal after all.
So, some thoughts I gleaned from this run. Long distance running takes patience. Even when I wasn't hurting or exhuasted, I was kind of bored after awhile. My grandpa warned me of the boredom on the long distance runs and suggested a running partner. If there are any takers, I am doing my long distances on Saturday mornings and he even suggested it could be someone riding a bike along side. But even without a partner, patience is an important lesson. I caught myself looking at my watch to see my distance and freaking out when I realized I had only gone one more mile...Keep in mind, it wasn't too long ago where I was excited to even make it a mile. Oh, how things have changed.
I also learned to glean from those who've been there. I had an excellent conversation with my grandpa the night before my long run, as he has ran a few marathons himself.
As we video chatted, it was so much fun to hear his advice and realize that I was talking to a marathoner who knew the ropes and was willing to teach them. I think I've taken for granted all these years that he was such an athlete and it was mostly due to the fact that I had no interest in running when he was in the thick of it. But my admiration for him now is beyond expression. He told me that training for a marathon is a part time job and asked if I was sure I was ready for that commitment. My wife and I responded that we were and then he gave his advice. Pa is always looking out for me and my family. I love it!
Another thing I learned on the trail was that I am worthy of this competition. I'll admit, when I first arrived for my run, I saw all these other runners in their fancy gear and shoes and what not. I am going to get geared up when our taxes come in, but until then, it's simple mesh athletic pants, t-shirt, light jacket, and a regular pair of tennis shoes for me. I felt unworthy to train for this with that gear, but I knew I wanted to get this 10 miles in, so I started after it. When I hit mile 8, a realization swarmed over me that I felt dumb for not thinking of before. The clothes and apparel don't make the runner, it's the heart that makes the runner. I had every right to be here training as anyone else. Not too many people can say they've ran into the double digits and I was about to. The feeling of pride came over me and I moved on....
Until mile 9 and 1/2. That's when all my energy drained, my knees burned like wildfire, my calves really showed that they could charlie horse. I had nothing left. So, you know what I did? I imagined I was in the last half mile of my marathon. I imagined that I had just ran 25 and some odd miles and just had that last half to go. It wasn't 90% heart anymore. It was 100% because my body had nothing left. Oh, I forgot to mention another distraction that almost made me lose focus in the middle of this run. My fitbit quit half way through. It was mind numbingly urking. Luckily it tracked what I had already ran still and I just had to reset it. So basically I knew I had ran a little over 5 miles and so I decided to run 5 more to make sure I didn't cheat myself. I really wanted to give up when it stopped but I knew it was stupid. I really just wanted to see that 10 miles on my watch instead of the 5 again, but I knew that wasn't the point. So I mustered on.
Victory Selfie. Notice my eyes say "No MORE!"
And when I did hit that 5 again, the euphoria that overtook me was insane. I quickly texted my wife a victory picture next to Grays Lake, which is where I started and finished, and then I slowly walked back to my car, allowing my heart rate to slow. I did my post run stretches and drove home, grabbing the largest bottle of water I could find along the way. And I have to say, now that I've had my rest, I feel pretty amazing. Sure my knees hurt. Sure my thighs feel like jello. But I'm going to do it. I just ran just over 1/3rd of a Marathon seven months before race day. I'm going to be all over that beast!
Final thoughts. I am having to figure out truths and lies as I try to keep positive during my training. So here is an example of what I'm talking about. I told myself a lie on the way home. I said, "I don't want to do that again." The truth is, I don't want to feel like that again. Another truth is, I won't. When I run my next long run, my body will be in better shape than it is today. I will be more prepared and learn from the mistakes I made. Thanks again for all the support I have received thus far in this journey. You all mean more to me then you will ever know! And when I receive the medal for crossing the finish line, I will owe it to all of you! But my wife's getting this one. Sorry!

After fitbit stopped for no reason!
Before fitbit stopped for no reason

Friday, January 23, 2015

I Love Morning Runs!!!

Morning Run Selfie. LOL
Ok, so that might be a little sarcasm in the title. The truth is, morning runs are going to take some getting used to. Thus far in my running journey, I have only ran in the afternoons. But since my training is going to have me running much more, my wife and I decided that it would be best if I did them in the morning so I wouldn't take as much time away from my family.
Speaking of my wife, she is amazing!!! I was a little nervous when I told her my desire to run a marathon and how much time I would need to train to acomplish it. We have been super busy lately and she has had some health problems that have been a challenge for her as she can't do as much housework as she's used to. But, even with her health problems still on the mend, she was 100% behind me and immediately sat down with me to come up with an action plan!
So about my run this morning. I'm really catching on to this being a mental game. I woke up this morning telling myself I was running, no excuses. Then I walked out the door and my mind instantly went to, "it's so dark...it's so cold...you're still sore from yesterday..." and I might have given in, but then my heart took over and said, "dude...it's 3 miles today...shut up!" and my brain was all like, "yes sir!" And then off I went.
When you set a distance, the feeling of the miles change with the perspective distance you're planning
to run. When I ran 6 miles, the first 3 miles felt like nothing, it was the second that was the roughest. But since I only ran 3 miles this morning, I felt every bit of those 3 miles. I also have a few pointers for any beginners who are reading this. If you have a device that monitors your distance, the miles are going to feel ridiculously long if you continously look at it. I have a watch that monitors my distance. Well, my OCD will kick right in and I will look at it every 1/10th of a mile if I don't challenge myself. I learned to pinpoint a stationary object that seems far in the distance and then I'll only look at my watch at those pinpoints if I have to look at it at all.
I thought of a lot more to write while I was running but I forgot it already, so I guess I'll leave  you all with this. Thanks so much to those who are following this journey and encouraging me. You're words and thoughts and prayers mean so much to me. My prayer with this journey is that in some way, God would be glorified. After all, He is the creator of our bodies and I believe He's also the reason we reach for the stars! God bless ya'll this fine Friday morning!
1/8th of a Marathon. :-)

Thursday, January 22, 2015

My Marathon Journey Begins!

If you would have asked me 10 years ago if I was interested in running a marathon, my response would have likely been, “not a chance!” It’s not that I was lazy. I was a skateboarder, rollerblader, I enjoyed a good bike ride. Running was just never my thing. I tried it here and there, but after a half mile, I would just feel like crap. And I would feel like that for the rest of the day. It was pathetic.

So, what brought my interest in running again nearly 10 years later? I can’t say that I can pinpoint one exact cause. But I was tired of being so unhealthy. In that 10 years, I had gained nearly 60 pounds and just walking up stairs was enough to make me reach my target heart rate. I knew something had to change. The first thing I did was I made a final resolution that I would swear off soda…well, for the most part. I still allowed myself the syrupy beverage the few times we’d be at restaurants and at holiday events and what not, but that was it.

From that alone, I was able to lose 20 pounds. Now, before this sounds too good to be true, I was
Start of Training 2015
reminded of one important factor for my weight loss as well as the lack of soda in my diet. It was around this same time that I took a leap back into taking my ADHD medication. And the side effect, as you can probably guess, is lack of appetite. It wasn’t enough to be considered unhealthy, but enough where I can eat an appropriate portion without feeling the desire to eat more. I know the meds had something to do with this change, but I do feel my desire to get my weight in check definitely was a factor. My wife and I always say, we are gluttons at heart. WE LOVE FOOD!!!

So now, I was down 20 pounds and wanted to increase some muscle mass. So I began some callisthenic training (ie. Pushups, pullups, situps, etc.) and I really enjoyed feeling more and more in shape. What I didn’t realize I was doing, was I was building up my endurance. After about two weeks of steady callisthenic training, I decided to give running another shot. The first day I did one mile…and felt AMAZING!!! I probably looked ridiculous with a huge smile on my face!!! But it was awesome. So I was hooked. I ran my first 2 mile on Thanksgiving Day. And slowly I continued on. Currently my longest distance is 6 miles. But soon that will increase, because on Monday, my Marathon Training begins. For the next 38 weeks, I will be pushing my body to the limit to compete in the Des Moines Marathon on October 18th.

What I need from you is encouragement. I will be posting every day of my training to let my friends and family who care, know how things are going. I will post my progress here and my thoughts about the day and my morale in the moment. I’m about to enter a no negativity zone. I’m really nervous about the training and am studying up and reading a ton of material and advice. If you have ever trained for a Marathon or ½ Marathon or whatever and have any advice at all, please feel free to share it here as I can use all I can get. Mostly, I just need your encouragement. So, here for today…Here goes nothing!!!
1/22/15 Run!